
You would like to run an advertisement? How to reach us:

Please provide the following information:

Pictures of you

Artist Name


Bust Size





Preferences & Inclinations


Diamond-Escort® is an erotic advertising portal for providers of services in the area of escort and escort services. On our erotic advertising portals you can
offer your sexual services regardless of your clothing size, cup size or your sexual orientation. We want you to advertise successfully.

Quality and advice are important to us. Every ad has potential. We help you to successfully design your advertising campaign from text to image. Ads and content are checked according to our criteria. We are a friendly, dynamic and experienced team and happy to help you.

Are you curious? Would you like to run an advertisement? We look forward to meeting you! Call us or send us an email. We are happy to advise you free of charge on the possibilities of your advertising measures on our erotic advertising portals.

Please note that you are responsible for your own tax. There is the possibility of payment via the Düsseldorf procedure, then you should contact the tax office Offenbach with Mr. Peterhansl and discuss this. And you have to make sure that you have the necessary permits under the prostitution law, which prescribe a health education at the health authority and a prostitution ID and these are still valid.

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